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The mission of the graduate training program in pharmacological sciences, which is supported by a T32 training grant from NIH / National Institute of General Medical Sciences (T32 GM144636), is to emphasize the education of predoctoral students with research interest broadly related to the pharmacological sciences.
Goals and Collaborations
The graduate training program in the pharmacological sciences at the University of Iowa emphasizes the education of predoctoral students with research interest in the dynamics, structure and function of drug molecules. It is a functional, interdisicplinary training program in this area, with participation of students and mentors from the Departments of:
Cancer Biology
Cell & Development Biology
Human Toxicology
Microbiology & Immunology
Molecular Medicine
Molecular Physiology & Biophysics
Pharmaceutical Sci & Exp Therapeutics
Neuroscience and Pharmacology
Fellowship Awards
Fellowship awards are made on an annual basis. Students may apply for and be awarded a fellowship for up to two years. The training grant executive committee solicits new applications and renewal applications each spring for competitive evaluation.