Tate Neff
Address: 3459 PBDB
Mentor: Ling Yang, PhD
Graduate Program: Cell & Developmental Biolog6y
Year Entered into Program: 2021
Research Description
Role of Long Noncoding RNA-encoded Micropeptide in CF-Related Diabetes
- Predoctoral Training Grant in the Pharmacological Sciences (T32 GM144636), 2022-present
- Teaching Intern, Experimental Biochemistry, University of Iowa, Spring 2021
- Kristin E. Claflin, Kyle H. Flippo, Andrew I. Sullivan, Meghan C. Naber, Bolu Zhou, Tate J. Neff, Sharon O. Jensen-Cody, Matthew J. Potthoff (2022). Conditional gene targeting using UCP1-Cre mice directly targets the central nervous system beyond thermogenic adipose tissues. Molecular Metabolism, 55, 101405.
- Claflin KE, Naber MC, Sullivan AI, Flippo KH, Morgan DA, Neff TJ, Jensen-Cody SO, Zhu Z, Zingman LV, Rahmouni K, and Potthoff MJ. FGF21 signaling to glutamatergic neurons enhances leptin action and lowers body weight. Nature Communications. Submitted.
- Acknowledged contributor, Sharon O. Jensen-Cody, Kyle H. Flippo, Kristin E. Claflin, Yavuz Yavuz, Sarah A. Sapouckey, Grant C. Walters, Yuriy M. Usachev, Deniz Atasoy, Matthew P. Gillum, Matthew J. Potthoff (2020). FGF21 Signals to Glutamatergic Neurons in the Ventromedial Hypothalamus to Suppress Carbohydrate Intake. Cell Metabolism, 32(2), 273286