Careers of Graduates - Since 2007

A - D

NameDegreeDegree YearCurrent Position or Last Known
Andrew AckellPhD  
Alberico, StephaniePhD2017Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Neurology
University of Minnesota Medical Center
Allen, ErinPhD2011High School Teacher
Science Department
Fairport Harbor Exempted Village Schools
Fairport Harbor, OH
Allen, RondinePhD2018Pharmacology/Toxicology Reviewer
Washington, DC-Baltimore Area
Anderson, B. KevinPhD2009President
Foresight Chemistry, Inc.
Huntsville, AL
Bell, BalyssaPhD2018Postdoctoral Fellow
Kinesiology and Health Education
University of Texas, Austin
Austin, TX
Boehm, ElizabethPhD2016Patent Agent
Wolf Greenfield
Intellectual Property Law
Boston, MA
BonDurant, LucasPhD2018Research Scientist
Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
Cambridge, MA
Brockman, QierraPhD2023Postdoctoral Scholar
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX
Caldwell, ColleenPhD2021Postdoctoral Scholar
w/ Professor Gijs Wuite
Vrije University
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Crawford, Rachel A.PhD2023Postdoctoral Fellow
Dept of Radiology
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MA
Cullen, StephenPhD2020Radiosynthetic Chemist
Tjaden Biosciences
Birlington, IA
Dallapiazza, RobertMD, PhD2010Neurosurgeon
Director of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
Tulane Medical Center
New Orleans, LA
Dean, SondraPhD  
Drake, JustinPhD2009Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology
University of Minnesota
Chief Science Officer at Astrin Biosciences
Minneapolis, MN
Davenport (Eckert), LauriePhD2012Assistant Professor
Liberal Arts and Sciences
The Christ College of Nursing
   and Health Sciences
Cincinnati, Ohio

F - H

NameDegreeDegree YearCurrent Position or Last Known


Feddersen, Charlotte

MD, PhD2020Medical Resident
University of Colorado
Fenner, AmandaPhD2011Scientist II
Natural Products Chemistry
Bayer Crop Science
West Sacramento
Gansemer, EricaPhD2022Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Biophysics
University of Minnesota
Gomez, JavierPhD2016Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Physiology
Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI
Gray, LawrencePhD2012Scientific Applications Specialist
Integrated DNA Technologies
Coralville, IA
Guiler, WilliamPhD  
Gutierrez, WadeMD, PhD2024Medical Resident
Mayo Clinc
Melissa HallPhD  
Halt, AmyMD, PhD2009Clinical Assistant Professor
Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Brown University
Providence, RI
Harmata, GailPhD2021Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Department of Radiology
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Hayes, Michael P.PhD2017Senior Application Scientist
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
Indianpolis, IN
Maria Nunez HernandezPhD  
He, Beixin (Julie)MD, PhD2012Physician
Department of Internal Medicine
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Chicago, IL
Heidema, ChristyPhD2018Physical Therapy Student
University of Montana
Missoula, MT
Higgins, ColinPhD2015Senior Data Scientist
San Francisco Bay, CA
Houlihan, PatrickPhD2013Postdoctoral Associate
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Janelia Research Campus
Ashburn, VA

I - R

NameDegreeDegree YearCurrent Position or Last Known
Ibeawuchi, Stella-RitaMD, PhD2015Lab Manager
Department of Pathology
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
Kelvington, Ben 2024

Graduate Student

Department of Neuroscience & Pharmacology
University of Iowa

Keyes, AlexPhD2023Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Department of Neuroscience & Pharmacology
University of Iowa
Kohlmeyer, JordanPhD2021Synthetic Biology Application Development Manager
Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT)
Coralville, IA
Kizzire, KobyPhD2013Chemist
Cincinnati, Ohio
Lavering, EmilyPhD2023Assistant Professor
Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Michigan - Flint
Laule, Connor   
Lingo, Josh   
LuCore, StephenPhD  
Maack, EdenPhD2022Associate Editor
i3 Health
St. Paul, MN
Maduka, UchePhD2013Resident Intern
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
McDonough, MiriamPhD  
Mente, NolanPhD2008Chemistry Team Leader
Biotechnology R&D
Cargill, Inc.
Eddyville, IA
Miller, Michael R.MD, PhD2015Pediatric Resident
Department of Pediatrics
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Monroe, T. BlakePhD2021T. Blake Monroe
Postdoctoral Fellow
Metabolic and Systems Biology (TMED)
University of Minnesota
Monroy, Carlos (Aaron)PhD2013Biosafety Manager
USDA Animal and Plant Health
   Inspection Service (APHIS)
Ames, IA
Moose, DevonPhD2021Postdoctoral Scholar
Children's Medical Center Research Institute
UT Southwestern
Dallas, TX
Luis MullinsPhD  
Reed, SaraMD, PhD2015Medical Director
Department of Pediatrics
Cherokee Nation W.W. Hastings Hospital
Tahlequah, OK
Reilly, JacquelienePhD2014Associate Medical Director
Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies
   of Johnson & Johnson
Seattle, WA
Rettig, GarrettPhD2008Research Scientist
Integrated DNA Technologies
Coralville, IA
Ripley, BrittanyPhD2020Postdoctoral Scholar
Dept of Molecular Physiology
   and Biophysics
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Rogers, KaiMD, PhD2021Clinical Resident
Department of Pathology
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Runne-Janczy, CaitlinPhD2013Chief Academic Officer
Science Interactive Group
New York City Metropolitan Area

S - Y

NameDegreeDegree YearCurrent Position or Last Known
Salvi (Ortiz), AliciaPhD2021Senior Scientist
Zoetis, Inc.
Lincoln, NE
Sanchez, JulioPhD2020Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. Kalodimos, PhD Lab
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Memphis, TN
Sandgren, JeremyMD, PhD2019Resident
Department of Pediatrics
University of Iowa Hosp & Clinics
Iowa City, IA
Sariol, AlanPhD2021Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Schamp, JosephinePhD2017Postdoctoral Research Scholar Department of Psychiatry
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Schene, MirandaPhD  
Shepherd, TysonPhD2011Associate Director
Microbial Applications
Inscripta, Inc.
Boulder, CO
Slupe, AndrewMD, PhD2014Anesthesiologist
Community Medical Center
Missoula, MT
Smits, JacquelinePhD2011Chemistry Instructor
Bellevue College
Bellevue, WA
University of Washington
Bothell, WA
Spicer, MackenziePhD2022Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Department of Neuroscience & Pharmacology
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Spracklen, AndrewPhD2014Lecturer
Department of Biology
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, MA
Thein, Michelle   
Tidgewell, KevinPhD2009Associate Professor
Medicinal Chemistry
Duquesne University
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburg, PA
Towle, TyrellPhD2013Director of Chemistry
MedPharm Research
Denver, CO
Walters, GrantPhD2022Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Department of Neuroscience & Pharmacology
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Warwick, CharlesPhD2017Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Department of Neurobiology
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Olerich (Whittier), KelseyMD, PhD2015Fellow Physician
Maternal Fetal Medicine
Washington University Sch of Med
St. Louis, MO
Young (Guimaraes), AmyMD, PhD2017Resident Physician
Department of Pathology
University of Colorado
Aurora, CO