Cancan Lyu, PhD
Research Description
G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are strongly related to the development and progression of many tumors including breast cancer. However, the research about targeting GPCRs for cancer treatment is extremely difficult. Numerous GPCRs are activated in breast cancer, and the efficacy is limited if just targeting individual GPCRs. My current and prospective research in the pharmacology of breast cancer focuses on finding the GPCR common downstream pathway to block HER2+ breast cancer development and explore the mechanism behind it. Our recent studies have shown that blocking Gi/o-GPCRs signaling could suppressed HER2+ tumor formation and metastasis. Moreover, I combined Gi/o-GPCR blocker with traditional HER2-targeted treatment in different breast cancer cell lines. The result indicated that Gi/o-GPCR blocker could enhance the traditional treatment effect even in the drug resistant cell lines.
- C Lyu, Y Ye, RJ Weigel, S Chen, Blocking Gi/o-coupled signaling eradicates cancer stem cells and sensitizes breast tumors to HER2-targeted therapies to inhibit tumor relapse, Cancers 14 (7), 1719
- C Lyu, Y Ye, M Lensing, KU Wagner, R Weigel, S Chen, Targeting Gi/o protein-coupled receptor signaling blocks HER2-induced breast cancer development and enhances HER2-targeted therapy, JCI insight
- Lyu C, Bing SJ, Wandu WS, Xu B, Shi G, Hinshaw SJ, Lobera M, Caspi RR, Lu L, Yang J, Gery I. TMP778, a selective inhibitor of RORγt, suppresses experimental autoimmune uveitis development, but affects both Th17 and Th1 cell populations. European Journal of Immunology, 2018 Nov; 48(11): 1810-1816. (IF 5.179 Cited by 7)
- So Jin Bing, Cancan Lyu, Biying Xu, Wambui S Wandu, Samuel J Hinshaw, Yasuko Furumoto, Rachel R Caspi, Massimo Gadina, Igal Gery, Tofacitinib inhibits the development of experimental autoimmune uveitis and reduces the proportions of Th1 but not of Th17 cells. Molecular vision, 26, 641 (IF 2.245, Cited by 1)
- Yuka Kihara, Cancan Lyu, Jin Yang, Liang Wang, Xiaoshuang Jiang, Mengxi Shen, Rita Laiginhas, Hironobu Fujiyoshi, Giovanni Gregori, Philip J Rosenfeld, Aaron Y Lee, Detecting Double Layer Signs with OCT volumes using a 3D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 62(8), 2102-2102 (IF 3.812)
- Biying Xu, Jihong Tang, Cancan Lyu, Wambui S Wandu, Deborah J Stumpo, Mary J Mattapallil, Reiko Horai, Igal Gery, Perry J Blackshear, Rachel R Caspi, Regulated Tristetraprolin Overexpression Dampens the Development and Pathogenesis of Experimental Autoimmune Uveitis, Frontiers in Immunology 11, 3585 (IF 6.429)
- Biying Xu, Jihong Tang, Cancan Lyu, Wambui S Wandu, Deborah J Stumpo, Mary Mattapallil, Rachel Caspi, Perry J Blackshear, Igal Gery. Increased expression of tristetraprolin dampens acquisition of immunity and development of pathology in experimental autoimmune uveitis. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 61 (7), 3676-3676 (IF 3.812)
- Zhao X, Ding X, Lyu C, Li S, Lian Y, Chen X, Tanumiharjo S, Zhang A, Lu J, Liang X, Jin C, Lu L. Observational study of clinical characteristics of dome-shaped macular
in Chinese Han with high myopia at Zhongshan Ophthalmic Centre. BMJ Open, 2018 Dec 22; 8(12): e021887. (IF 2.413 Cited by 16) - Zhao X, Ding X, Lyu C, Li S, Liu B, Li T, Sun L, Zhang A, Lu J, Liang X, Jin C, Lu
L. Morphological characteristics and visual acuity of highly myopic eyes with different severities of myopic maculopathy. Retina, 40(3), 461-467. (IF 3.649 Cited by 11) - Hinshaw SJ, Ogbeifun O, Wandu WS, Lyu C, Shi G, Li Y, Qian H, Gery I. Digoxin Inhibits Induction of Experimental Autoimmune Uveitis in mice but Causes Severe Retinal Degeneration. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, Mar 2016.Volume57. (IF 3.812 Cited by 13)
- Homayoun Bagherinia, Giovanni Gregori, Philip J Rosenfeld, Cancan Lyu, Jila Noorikolouri, Yingying Shi, Fang Zheng, Luis De Sisternes, Mary K Durbin, A method for automated choroidal-scleral interface segmentation in optical coherence tomography. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 60(9), 143-143. (IF3.812 Cited by 1)
- Li S, Ding X, Sun L, Zhao X, Zhang A, Lyu C, Liu B, Zhang J, Jin C, Lu L. Two different initial treatment regimens of ranibizumab in myopic choroidal neovascularization: 12-month results from a randomized controlled study, Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2018 Oct 21. (IF 3.217 Cited by 7)
- Zhao X, Huang L, Lyu C, Liu B, Ma W, Deng X, Jiang H, Wang Y, Yu X, Ding X, Luo Y, Ma J, Stewart JM, Liang X, Jin C, Lu L. Comparison between releasable scleral buckling and vitrectomy in patients with phakic primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Retina, 2018 Oct8. (IF 4.0, Cited by 4)
- Xiujuan Zhao, Li Huang, Cancan Lyu, Bingqian Liu, Wei Ma, Xiaoyan Deng, Huaiyan Jiang, Yan Wang, Xiling Yu, Xiaoyan Ding, Yan Luo, Jin Ma, Jay M Stewart, Xiaoling Liang, Chenjin Jin, Lin Lu. Comparison between releasable scleral buckling and vitrectomy in patients with phakic primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Retina, (Philadelphia, Pa.) 40 (1), 33 (IF 4.0, Cited by 2)
- Zhao X, Ding X, Lyu C, Li S, Liu B, Li T, Sun L, Zhang A, Lu J, Liang X, Jin C, Lu LinL. Morphologcal characteristics and visual acuity of highly myopic eyes with different severities of myopic maculopathy. Retina, 2020 Mar40. (IF 4.0 Cited by 7)
- Niranchana Manivannan, Katherine Makedonsky, Cancan Lyu, Giovanni Gregori, Philip J Rosenfeld, Mary K Durbin, Deep learning based GA segmentation in fundus autofluorescence images, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 60(9), 4219-4219 (IF 3.812)
- Callum Narita, Zhichao Wu, Philip J Rosenfeld, Jin Yang, Cancan Lyu, Emily Caruso, Myra McGuinness, Robyn H Guymer, Structural OCT signs suggestive of subclinical nonexudative macular neovascularization in eyes with large drusen. Opthalmology, 127(5), 637-647. (IF 8.47, Cited by 13)
- Jonathan F.Russell, Yingying Shi, John W.Hinkle, Nathan L.Scott, Kenneth C.Fan, Cancan Lyu, Giovanni Gregori, Philip J.Rosenfeld. Longitudinal wide-field swept- source OCT angiography of neovascularization in proliferative diabetic retinopathy after panretinal photocoagulation, Ophthalmology Retina 2019 April Vol3 Issue4 (companion journal to Ophthalmology IF 12.079, Cited by 39)
- Jin Yang, Qinqin Zhang, Elie H. Motulsky, Marie Thulliez, Yingying Shi, Cancan Lyu, Luis de Sisternes, Mary K. Durbin, William Feuer, Ruikang K. Wang, Giowanni Gregori, Philip J. Rosenfeld. Two-year risk of exudation in eyes with nonexudative age-related macular degeneration and subclinical neovascularization detected with swept source optical coherence tomography angiography, American Journal of Ophthalmology 2019 Dec Vol208, 1-11 (IF 4.483, Cited by 17)
- Songshan Li, Xiaoyan Ding, Limei Sun, Xiujuan Zhao, Aiyuan Zhang, Cancan Lyu, Bingqian Liu, Junyan Zhang, Lin Lu. Two different initial treatment regimens of ranibizumab in myopic choroidal neovascularization:12-month results from a randomized controlled study. Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology, 2019;47:250-258. (Cited by 4)
- Jonathan F.Russella, Harry W.FlynnJr, Jayanth Sridhara, Justin H.Townsend, Yingying Shi, Kenneth C.Fan, Nathan L.Scott, John W.Hinkle, Cancan Lyu, Giovanni Gregori, Stephen R.Russell, Philip J.Rosenfelda. Distribution of Diabetic Neovascularization on Ultra-Widefield Fluorescein Angiography and on Simulated Widefield OCT Angiography. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2019 Nov Vol 207 110-120 (companion journal to Ophthalmology IF 12.079, Cited by 25)
- Jonathan F Russell, Hasenin Al-Khersan, Yingying Shi, Nathan L Scott, John W Hinkle, Kenneth C Fan, Cancan Lyu, William J Feuer, Giovanni Gregori, Philip J Rosenfeld. Retinal nonperfusion in proliferative diabetic retinopathy before and after panretinal photocoagulation assessed by widefield OCT angiography. American journal of ophthalmology 213, 177-185. (IF 4.483, Cited by 9)
- Hao Zhou, Yining Dai, Yingying Shi, Jonathan F Russell, Cancan Lyu, Jila Noorikolouri, William J Feuer, Zhongdi Chu, Qinqin Zhang, Luis de Sisternes, Mary K Durbin, Giovanni Gregori, Philip J Rosenfeld, Ruikang K Wang. Age-related changes in choroidal thickness and the volume of vessels and stroma using swept-source OCT and fully automated algorithms. Ophthalmology Retina 2019 April Vol3 Issue4 (companion journal to Ophthalmology IF 12.079, Cited by 16)
- Huang X, Lin Y, Chen C, Zhu Y, Gao H, Li T, Liu B, Lyu C, Huang Y, Wu Q, Li H, Jin C, Liang X, Lu L. Targeted next-generation sequencing identifies two novel COL2A1 gene mutations in Stickler syndrome with bilateral retinal detachment. Int J Mol Med. 2018 Oct; 42(4): 1819-1826. (IF 3.098 Cited by 4)
- Liu Bingqian, Wang Yan, Li Tao, Lin Ying, Ma Wei, Chen Xiaohong, Lyu Cancan, Li Yonghao, Lu Lin. Correlation of subfoveal choroidal thickness with axial length, refractive error, and age in adult highly myopic eyes. BMC Opthalmol. 2018 May 29;18(1): 127. (IF 1.413 Cited by 21)
- Xiu-Juan Zhao, Huai-Yan Jiang, Yong-Hao Li, Bing-Qian Liu, Hong-Xia Xu, Jie Zhou, Xiao-Hong Chen, Can-Can Lyu, Wei Ma, Jin Ma, Xiao-Ling Liang, Chen-Jin Jin, Xiao-Yan Ding, Lin Lu. Correlations between the optic nerve head morphology and ocular biometrics in highly myopic eyes. International Journal of Ophthalmology. 2018, 11 (6), 997. (Cited by 4)
- Lin Y, Gao H, Zhu Y, Chen C, Li T, Liu B, Lyu C, Huang Y, Li H, Wu Q, Jin C, Liang X, Huang X, Lu L. Two Paired Box6 mutations identified in Chinese patients with classic congenital aniridia and cataract. Mol Med Rep. 2018 Nov; 18(5):4439- 4445. (IF 1.922, Cited by 4)
- Chen X, Liu B, Liang X, Li J, Li T, Li Y, Yu X, Lyu C, Zhao X, Tanumiharjo S, Jin C, Lu L. The combination of ketorolac with local anesthesia for pain control in day care retinal detachment surgery: a randomized controlled trial. J Ophthalmol. 2017; 2017:3464693. (Cited by 1)
- Yingying Shi, Qinqin Zhang, Hao Zhou, Liang Wang, Zhongdi Chu, Xiaoshuang Jiang, Mengxi Shen, Marie Thulliez, Cancan Lyu, William Feuer, Luis de Sisternes, Mary K Durbin, Giovanni Gregori, Ruikang K Wang, Philip J Rosenfeld, Correlations Between Choriocapillaris and Choroidal Measurements and the Growth of Geographic Atrophy Using Swept Source OCT Imaging. American journal of ophthalmology. 224, 321-331 (IF 4.483, Cited by 2)
- X Yu, W Ma, B Liu, Z Li, X Zhao, S Tanumiharjo, X Chen, C Lyu, H Ao, S Li, Y Li, L Lu, Morphological analysis and quantitative evaluation of myopic maculopathy by three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging. Eye. 32(4), 782-787 (IF 2.366, Cited by 4)
- Philip J Rosenfeld, Marie Thulliez, Qinqin Zhang, Yingying Shi, Hao Zhou, Zhongdi Chu, Luis De Sisternes, Mary K Durbin, William Feuer, Cancan Lyu, Giovanni Gregori, Ruikang K Wang, Choriocapillaris Flow Deficits Around Geographic Atrophy Correlate with Enlargement Rates Based on Swept Source OCT Angiographic Imaging, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 60(9), 4219-4219
- Song Zixun, Zhao Daixin, Lv Cancan, Pu Wei, Xiao Wei. 10-year Etiologic Review of Chinese Children Hospitalized for Pediatric Cataracts. Eye Science, Sep 2014.Volume29. (Cited by 9)
- Lv Cancan, Xiao Wei. Clinical Analysis of the Incidence and the Treatment of Pediatric Cataract Patients. Eye Science, March 2014. Volume 29.
- Jin Yang, Qinqin Zhang, Elie Motulsky, Marie Thulliez, Yingying Shi, Cancan Lyu, Luis De Sisternes, Mary K Durbin, William Feuer, Ruikang K Wang, Giovanni Gregori, Philip J Rosenfeld, Two-Year Natural History of Subclinical Neovascularization in Non-Exduative Age-Related Macular Degeneration using Swept Source OCT Angiography, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 60(9), 4221-4221
- Zhang Yang, Su Zhicai, Lv Cancan, Xiao Wei. Clinical Observation of the Abnormality of Inferior Oblique Tendon in Congenital Superior Oblique Muscle Paralytic Patients. International Eye Science, Nov 2013, Volume13 (Chinese)
- Lu Yin, Lv Cancan. Androgen Receptor and Heat Shock Protein 90. Chinese Health Monthly, 2011: 5 (Chinese)
- Lv Cancan, Lu Yin. Na-Ca Exchange Coupling the Cardiac Excitation-Contraction Process. Chinese Health Monthly, 2011: 3 (Chinese)
